WEST Project Resources

Newsletters and Email Announcements

The I-526 Lowcountry Corridor newsletter and email announcements provided content on the I-526 Lowcountry Corridor WEST Final Environmental Impact Statement and Record of Decision, the I-526 Lowcountry Corridor EAST Planning and Environmental Linkages Study as well as the I-526 @ Long Point Road Environmental Assessment as the projects and studies progressed.


The educational videos used throughout the I-526 Lowcountry Corridor family of studies and projects can be found below. Videos used as part of public meetings or public hearings are found in the Public Meetings Archives.

How are projects identified, and how do we pick the right solutions?

Assessing and Measuring Noise Impact of New Road Projects

Environmental Study Process for SCDOT Projects

Overview: SCDOT Project Development Process

What is Right of Way?

SCDOT Right-of-Way Process

I-526 LCC WEST Community History Preservation Program

Community Advisory Council Member: Jeanaris Bannister (Liberty Park)

Community Advisory Council Member: Cynthia Anderson (Liberty Park)

SCDOT: Infrastructure and Hydrology


Public Meeting Archive

2021 Community Meeting: Community Improvements Open House (Community Infrastructure Enhancement Plan)

On Saturday, March 6, 2021 from 1:00 until 4:00 pm, SCDOT hosted a Community Improvements Open House to introduce the Community Infrastructure Enhancement Plan (CIEP). The CIEP is a component of the Environmental Justice Community Mitigation Plan that is being developed to address the potential impacts of the I-526 LCC WEST project in the Ferndale, Russelldale, Highland Terrace, and Liberty Park neighborhoods.

Boards ENG

2020 Public Hearing and Associated Community Meetings
(Draft EIS, Recommended Preferred Alternative and Community Mitigation Plan)

The public was encouraged to participate in the I-526 Lowcountry Corridor WEST Public Hearing in late 2020 either online or in-person. The official comment period for the I-526 Lowcountry Corridor WEST Public Hearing was October 30, 2020 through January 15, 2021. The Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS), including the Recommended Preferred Alternative and the DRAFT Community Mitigation Plan were presented. Additionally, the public could comment on the Environmental Assessment completed for the Land and Water Conservation Fund of the National Park Service and review the anticipated impacts to properties protected under Section 4(F) of the Department of Transportation Act of 1966.

A live, virtual comment session was held on Tuesday, December 15, 2020. The public could also engage by viewing the public hearing virtual room or traditional webpage or making a one-on-one appointment at the community office (November 19, December 5, December 8, or December 9, 2020).

In addition to the public meeting, community drop-ins using the same materials as the public hearing were held in potentially impacted communities:

  • November 6, 2020 | Biblical House of God (North Charleston)

  • November 7, 2020 | Ferndale Community Center (North Charleston)

  • November 14, 2020 | Enoch Chapel United Methodist Church (North Charleston)


I-526 LCC WEST Public Hearing Live Comment Session, December 15, 2020

I-526 LCC WEST PH: Live Comment Session 2020 12 15 - 2 Comments Combined

I-526 LCC WEST: Recommended Preferred Alternative Fly Through

Virtual Meeting Rooms + Materials

View of virtual public hearing room
View of Public Meeting Room (Español)
View of traditional public hearing room
View of traditional public hearing room (español)

Handout: ENG | ESP

2019 Public Information Meeting and Associated Community Meetings

On Thursday, November 21, 2019 a public information meeting was hosted to provide an update on the development and analysis of alternatives to improve the I-526 LCC project corridor. The project team walked attendees through the steps that have been taken to arrive at the alternatives and provided information about the potential impacts and topics of concern. The public comment period ended January 31, 2020.

In addition to the public information meeting, community drop-in meetings were held throughout the study area within potentially impacted communities and included the same materials as the public information meeting:

  • November 9, 2019 | Biblical House of God (North Charleston)

  • November 13, 2019 | Ferndale Community Center (North Charleston)

  • November 14, 2019 | Life Changers Covenant Ministries (North Charleston)

  • November 18, 2019 | Danny Jones Community Center (North Charleston)

  • November 19, 2019 | Citadel Mall (West Ashley)

Handout: ENG | ESP


Flyer: ENG

Project Purpose ENG | ESP

Project Development ENG | ESP

Project Schedule ENG | ESP

Study Area ENG | ESP

Alternatives Evaluation ENG | ESP

Other Alternatives ENG | ESP

Community Impact ENG | ESP

Environmental Justice ENG | ESP

Managing Traffic Noise ENG

Safety Analysis ENG | ESP

Understanding Traffic ENG | ESP

Existing and Committed Projects MAP

All Alternatives Layered ENG

Typical Sections of Mainline Improvements ENG | ESP

I-526/I-26 Interchange Improvements

  • Alternatives 1, 1a, 2 and 2a ENG

  • I-26 Corridor Improvements ENG

I-526/Paul Cantrell Boulevard Interchange Improvements

  • Alternative 1 ENG

Other Materials

I-526/N. Rhett Avenue Interchange Improvements

  • Alternatives 1 and 2 ENG

Project and Community Advisory Council Overview ENG | ESP

Community Impact Assessment ENG | ESP

Noise Handout ENG | ESP


2016 Public Information Meeting: Project Scoping

2016 I-526 Lowcountry Corridor Virtual Public Meeting

Stakeholder and Advisory Group Meetings

Project Oversight Committee: A Project Oversight Committee tasked with overseeing the implementation of the displacee assistance and community infrastructure improvements. The Project Oversight Committee is a group of residents of affected neighborhoods, various agency representatives, and other stakeholders that will meet during construction to discuss items such as schedules, issues, and concerns.

Stakeholder Meetings: The I-526 Lowcountry Corridor family of projects had joint stakeholder meetings. Those meeting materials are archived below.

Community Advisory Council: The Community Advisory Council is a group of locals who represented the neighborhoods impacted by the I-526 LCC WEST project. This resident-led group played an important role in sharing the latest information with the community, so residents remained engaged in the process. They were charged with informing the project team about potential community impacts associated with the proposed project alternatives and ideas on how to minimize those potential impacts.

Environmental Documents

The I-526 Lowcountry Corridor WEST project completed the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) phase in 2022. All archived documents from the NEPA phase are available within the tabs below.

Final Environmental Impact Statement and Record of Decision (FEIS-ROD)

This Final Environmental Impact Statement and Record of Decision, or FEIS-ROD, is the culmination of technical studies and reports, interagency coordination, and community outreach and feedback. Updated information and changes made in response to public and agency comments on the Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS) are highlighted in blue in the FEIS. The FEIS-ROD is also available in hard copy by appointment at the Project Office (5605A Rivers Avenue, North Charleston; Call/Text 843-258-1135).

Draft Environmental Impact Statement and Record of Decision (FEIS-ROD)

Planning Studies

In an effort to address existing and future congestion and operational issues of the I-526 Lowcountry Corridor WEST project in Charleston County, SCDOT commissioned a 2013 study to develop a long-range plan for the corridor.

Final Analysis Report and Addendum

The addendum was conducted to consider the impacts of two proposed Charleston International Airport area improvement projects on the I-526 study corridor, particularly at the I-526 interchanges with International Boulevard and Montague Avenue.

Important Disclaimer

The I-526 Corridor Analysis Report included here for reference was completed in 2013 for the project study area. The 2013 Corridor Study is a transportation planning document. The purpose of this study was to evaluate potential approaches for improving traffic flow through the corridor. This report includes conceptual interchange and road widening alternatives that were offered for consideration as ways to improve the traffic moving through the corridor. However, these are only conceptual alternatives that were evaluated from a traffic analysis standpoint. The actual design alternatives developed during NEPA are different from the conceptual traffic improvement alternatives developed in the 2013 Corridor Study.

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