I-526 Lowcountry Corridor WEST

The I-526 Lowcountry Corridor WEST project will improve the flow of traffic on I-526 by redesigning how I-526 and I-26 connect, widening I-526 between Paul Cantrell Boulevard and Virginia Avenue from two to four lanes in each direction, and improving many of the ramps.

Every effort was made to avoid and minimize impacts to the communities next to I-526 when designing potential solutions. Because some impacts could not be avoided, SCDOT worked with those neighborhoods to identify improvements and programs that would bring direct benefits to residents. Before highway construction begins, SCDOT will work with partners to ensure those direct investments are made in the communities through our Community Commitments Program. Some items, such as the noise barriers, railroad crossing upgrades, and pedestrian bridge will require additional coordination and will be constructed along with the highway improvements. To learn more about the extensive public engagement that took place to develop the Environmental Justice Community Mitigation Plan, and the resulting Community Commitments Program, review the project resources.

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Get engaged today with our community commitments to you!

Do you live in Camps, Ferndale, Highland Terrace, Joppa Way, Liberty Park, or Russelldale? Click one of the images to learn about opportunities for the whole family—from scholarships to summer workshops for teens; single-family, affordable housing and first-time homebuyer assistance; community centers and new recreational programs, and many more!

These programs, collectively known as the I-526 LCC WEST Community Commitments, are our commitment to you to offset the impacts of the I-526 LCC WEST construction. To help hold us accountable during the implementation of the community commitments, we have developed a Project Oversight Committee. To view their meeting materials, click here.

Investments in your community!

$146+ Million

2023 estimated cost of community investments

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